Plant List

Our Native Garden is a registered charity who has a vision to see local native plants thrive in our region. Native plant lists for the Northeast catchment are summarised in the Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVC) lists which can help with the choice of plants suited to your specific area.  Link  We have based our growing list on the local EVC lists and you can download Our Native Garden plant list for orders for 2025 below.

We are making a couple of changes this year to help the propagation team keep the orders organised as well as a price increase. Here are some ordering guidelines for 2025 season. 

  1. Information needed for each order 

    a. Contact name and organization 

    b. Email address 

    c. Mobile phone number 

    e. Preferred delivery month 

  2. Minimum number per species for a pre-order is 10. If you are after less than 10, please feel free to choose from our stock on display when ready. 

  3. Pre-orders before the end of November will be $2 per forestry tube and $1 per hiko plug (grasses, rushes and sedges only).  You can still ask for an order to be put aside after the end of November, but the price will be more, depending on the quantity.  Please contact us for a quote. 

  4. We will be limited in the numbers of plants we can grow for some species. We will let you know if an order for a particular species is more than we can supply. 

  5. All grasses, rushes and sedges will be grown in hiko plug trays this year saving us space and you money. 

Please email your orders, along with contact information as above to   

If you have any questions, please contact Wendy on 0418 579 331